Users Guide

Layer 2 Switching Commands 696
The remote capture application listens on the configured TCP port for a
connection request. Wireshark must send a request to that port to establish a
connection. Once the socket connection to Wireshark has been established,
captured CPU packets are written to the data socket. Wireshark receives the
packets and processes them locally. This continues until the session is
terminated by either end.
The following Wireshark request packets are supported:
Request to list all the remote interfaces
Request to open a remote device
Request to start a capture on a remote device
Request to close the connection with the remote peer
Message that keeps the authentication parameters
Request to get network statistics
Request to stop the current capture, keeping the device open
The following Wireshark replies are supported:
Reply that sends the list of all the remote interfaces
Reply that the remote device has been opened correctly
Reply that capturing has started correctly
Reply that says 'ok, authorization successful'
Reply that keeps network statistics
Reply that confirms capturing stopped successfully
Remote capture is not supported for packets received via out-of-band ports.
This example sends capture output to the console.
console(config)#monitor capture line
console#monitor capture start all