CLI Guide

Layer 3 Routing Commands 1363
If the peer is configured as “autodetect”, the “Remote Address” shows
detected IPv6 address or “Unresolved” in case if the peer is not detected by
the autodetect feature.
“Autodetect status” is displayed only if the peer is configured as
“autodetect”. The field shows one of the following statuses:
Peer is detected
Peer is not detected
Multiple peers are detected
The following fields are displayed.
Field Description
Remote Address The neighbor’s IPv6 address. If this is a link local
address, the next line indicates the scope of the address.
Remote AS The neighbor’s autonomous system number
Peer ID The neighbor’s BGP router ID
Peer Admin Status START or STOP
Peer State The adjacency state of this neighbor
Peer Type The type of peer
Listen Range The ports that are being listened to.
Local Port TCP port number on the local end of the connection
Remote Port TCP port number on the remote end of the connection
Connection Retry Interval How long BGP waits between connection retries
Neighbor Capabilities Optional capabilities reported by the neighbor,
recognized and accepted by this router. Codes listed in
the show output are as follows:
MP: Multiprotocol
RF: Route Refresh
This version of Dell EMC Networking does not support
any multiprotocol AFI/SAFI pairs other than IPv4
unicast. The presence of this capability does not imply