CLI Guide

Layer 3 Routing Commands 1366
Command History
Introduced in version firmware. Modified in version firmware.
console# show bgp ipv6 neighbors fe80::2
Description: spine 1 router 1
Remote Address................................ fe80::2
Interface..................................... 0/1
Remote AS..................................... 100
Peer ID.......................................
Peer Admin Status............................. START
Peer State.................................... ESTABLISHED
Peer Type..................................... DYNAMIC
Local Port.................................... 179
Remote Port................................... 58265
Connection Retry Interval..................... 120 sec
Neighbor Capabilities......................... None
IPv4 Unicast Support.......................... None
IPv6 Unicast Support.......................... Both
RFC 5549 Support.............................. Enable
Update Source................................. None
Local Interface Address....................... fe80::2
Prefixes Withdrawn A running count of the number of prefixes included in
the Withdrawn Routes portion of UPDATE messages,
to and from this neighbor.
Prefixes Current The number of prefixes currently advertised to or
received from this neighbor. For inbound prefixes, this
count only includes prefixes that passed inbound policy.
Prefixes Accepted The number of prefixes from this neighbor that are
eligible to become active in the local RIB. Received
prefixes are ineligible if their BGP Next Hop is not
resolvable or if the AS Path contains a loop. A prefix is
only considered accepted if it passes inbound policy.
Prefixes Rejected The number of prefixes currently received from this
neighbor that fail inbound policy.
Max NLFI per Update The maximum number of prefixes included in a single
UPDATE message, to and from this neighbor.
Min NLRI per Update The minimum number of prefixes included in a single
UPDATE message, to and from this neighbor.