CLI Guide

Layer 3 Routing Commands 1411
Command History
Introduced in version firmware.
Updated in version firmware.
console# show ip bgp update-group
Update Group ID............................ 0
Peer Type.................................. External
Minimum Advertisement Interval............. 30 seconds
Send Community............................. Yes
Neighbor AS Path Access List Out........... 1
Neighbor Prefix List Out................... pfxList1
Neighbor Route Map Out..................... None
Members Added.............................. 48
Members Removed............................ 0
Update Version............................. 19
Number of UPDATEs Sent..................... 512
Time Since Last Update..................... 5 hrs 3 min 2 sec
Current Prefixes........................... 5500
Current Paths.............................. 22
Prefixes Advertised........................ 191250
Prefixes Withdrawn......................... 186000
UPDATE Send Failures....................... 0
Current Members:,
Time Since Last UPDATE Time since an UPDATE message was last sent to the
group. If no UPDATE has been sent to the group, the
status is “Never.”
Current Prefixes The number of prefixes currently advertised to the
Current Paths The number of paths currently advertised to the group.
Prefixes Advertised The total number of prefixes advertised to the group
since the group was formed.
Prefixes Withdrawn The total number of prefixes included in the
Withdrawn Routes field of UPDATE messages sent to
the group since the group was formed.
UPDATE Send Failures The number of UPDATE messages that failed to be
delivered to all members of the group.
Current Members The IPv4 address of all current members of the group.