CLI Guide

Dell EMC Networking CLI 152
Denial of Service
show captive-portal
configuration interface
Displays information about all interfaces
assigned to a captive portal configuration or
about a specific interface assigned to a captive
portal configuration.
show captive-portal
configuration locales
Displays locales associated with a specific
captive portal configuration.
show captive-portal
configuration status
Displays information about all configured
captive portal configurations or a specific
captive portal configuration.
user group
Creates a user group. CP
user group moveusers
Moves a group's users to a different group. CP
user group name
Configures a group name. CP
a. For the meaning of each Mode abbreviation, see
Mode Types
Command Description Mode
dos-control firstfrag
Enables Minimum TCP Header Size Denial of
Service protection.
dos-control icmp
Enables Maximum ICMP Packet Size Denial of
Service protections.
dos-control l4port
Enables L4 Port Denial of Service protection. GC
dos-control sipdip
Enables Source IP Address = Destination IP
Address (SIP=DIP) Denial of Service protection.
dos-control tcpflag
Enables TCP Flag Denial of Service protections. GC
dos-control tcpfrag
Enables TCP Fragment Denial of Service
rate-limit cpu
Configures the rate in packets-per-second for the
number of IPv6 data packets trapped to CPU
when the packet fails to be forwarded in the
hardware due to unresolved hardware address of
the destined IPv6 node.
Command Description Mode