CLI Guide

Layer 3 Routing Commands 1578
ipv6 route distance
ipv6 route ipv6-prefix/prefix-length {next-hop-address | Null0 | vlan vlan-id
| tunnel tunnel-id} [preference] [track <object-number>]
no ipv6 route ipv6-prefix/prefix-length {next-hop-address | Null0 | vlan
vlan-id | tunnel tunnel-id} [track <object-number>]
no ipv6 route ipv6-prefix/prefix-length ipv6-address preference
no ipv6 route ipv6-prefix/prefix-length interface-type ipv6-address
no ipv6 route ipv6-prefix/prefix-length interface
distance—The default administrative distance for static routes. (Range 1-
ipv6-prefix—An IPv6 prefix representing the subnet that can be reached
via the next-hop neighbor.
prefix-length—The length of the IPv6 prefix — a decimal value (usually 0-
64) that shows how many of the high-order contiguous bits of the address
comprise the prefix (the network portion of the address). A slash mark
must separate the prefix from the prefix-length with no spaces on either
side of the slash mark.
interface-type—Distinguishes direct static routes from point-to-point and
broadcast interfaces, and must be specified when using a link-local address
as the next hop. Interface-type can be Null 0 or vlan plus vlan-id or tunnel
plus tunnel-id.
ipv6-address—The IPv6 address of the next hop neighbor.
preference—The administrative distance the router uses to compare this
route with routes from other route sources that have the same destination.
(Range: 1-255)
—The optional IP SLA tracking object identifier
(Range 1–128).
Default Configuration
There is no default vlan-id or tunnel-id.
The default routing preference for static routes is 1.
The default VRF is the global routing instance.