CLI Guide

Switch Management Commands 2216
The filter name may include any printable characters except a question mark.
Enclose the string in double quotes to include spaces within the name. The
surrounding quotes are not used as part of the name. The CLI does not filter
illegal characters and may accept entries up to the first illegal character or
reject the entry entirely. Per RFC 2573, configuring a filter adds an implicit
exclude-all as the first entry in a filter record. Unless an include statement is
specified, all notifications are excluded by default.
The following example creates a filter that includes all objects in the MIB-II
system group except for sysServices (System 7) and all objects for interface 1
in the MIB-II interfaces group.
console(config)# snmp-server filter user-filter system included
console(config)# snmp-server filter user-filter system.7 excluded
console(config)# snmp-server filter user-filter ifEntry.*.1 included
snmp-server group
Use the snmp-server group command in Global Configuration mode to
configure a new Simple Management Protocol (SNMP) group or a table that
maps SNMP users to SNMP views. To remove a specified SNMP group, use
the no form of this command.
snmp-server group groupname { v1 | v2 | v3 { noauth | auth | priv } [
notify notifyview ] } [ context contextname ] [ read readview ] [ write
writeview ]
no snmp-server group groupname { v1 | v2 | v3 { noauth | auth | priv } } [
context contextname ]
groupname — Specifies the name of the group. (Range: 1-30
v1 — Indicates the SNMP Version 1 security model.
v2 — Indicates the SNMP Version 2 security model.
v3 — Indicates the SNMP Version 3 security model.
noauth — Indicates no authentication of a packet. Applicable only to
the SNMP Version 3 security model.