CLI Guide

Switch Management Commands 2274
buffers {rising-threshold rising-threshold-val | falling-threshold falling-
threshold-val | severity severity-level}
no buffers {rising-threshold | falling-threshold | severity }
rising-threshold-val—The rising message buffer threshold over which a
trap will be issued. This is a percentage of messages buffers utilized and
ranges from 0 to 100.
falling-threshold-val—The falling threshold value. Once the rising
threshold has been crossed, another trap will not be issued until the
message buffer has dropped below the falling threshold. This is a
percentage of messages buffers utilized and ranges from 0 to 100.
severity-level—The severity level of the trap issued by SNMP. Range is 0
Default Configuration
The default rising-threshold-val is 80%.
The default falling-threshold-val is 50%
The default severity level is NOTICE.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
User Guidelines
Message buffers are used internally by the switch firmware to pass network
PDUs. This includes PDUs such as spanning tree BPDUs or multicast or
unicast packets forwarded in software. On rare occasions, a packet storm may
cause the switch to become congested due to an excessive number of
messages forwarded to the switch CPU. The switch has numerous rate
limiters and other mechanisms to appropriately handle such packet floods,
however, due to the changing nature of Internet traffic, new types of traffic
may cause temporary internal congestion conditions. This command allows
the operator to enable the issuance of a trap in such a condition as an aid to
early diagnosis and mitigation of the conditions causing traffic to flood the
switch CPU.
Setting the rising threshold to 0 disables message buffer monitoring.