Users Guide

Access Control Lists 709
When range is specified, TCP or UDP ACL rule
matches only if the Layer-4 port number falls within
the specified port range. The startport and endport
parameters identify the first and last ports that are part
of the port range. They have values from 0 to 65535.
The ending port must have a value equal or greater
than the starting port. The starting port, ending port,
and all ports in between will be part of the Layer-4 port
When eq is specified, the IP ACL rule matches only if
the Layer-4 port number is equal to the specified port
number or portkey.
When lt is specified, the IP ACL rule matches if the
Layer-4 source or destination port number is less than
the specified port number or portkey. It is equivalent to
specifying the range as 0 to <specified port number –
When gt is specified, the IP ACL rule matches if the
Layer-4 source or destination port number is greater
than the specified port number or portkey. It is
equivalent to specifying the range as <specified port
number + 1> to 65535.
When neq is specified, the IP ACL rule matches only if
the Layer-4 source or destination port number is not
equal to the specified port number or portkey.
IPv4 TCP/UDP port names: domain, echo, ftp, ftp-
data, http, smtp, snmp, telnet, tftp, www, bgp, pop2,
pop3, ntp, rip, time, and who.
dstip dstmask | any | host dstip—Specifies a destination
IP address and netmask for match condition of the IP
ACL rule.
Specifying any implies specifying dstip as “” and
dstmask as “”.
Specifying host A.B.C.D implies dstip as “A.B.C.D”
and dstmask as “”.
[precedence precedence | tos tos [tosmask] | dscp
Specifies the TOS for an IP/TCP/UDP ACL rule
depending on a match of precedence or DSCP values
using the parameters dscp, precedence, or tos tosmask.
Command Purpose