Users Guide

Setting Basic Network Information 199
Managing DHCP Leases
Use the following commands to manage and troubleshoot DHCP leases on
the switch.
ipv6 address dhcp Enable the DHCPv6 client.
CTRL + Z Exit to Privileged Exec mode.
show ip interface vlan 1 Display network information for VLAN 1.
Command Purpose
show dhcp lease
interface [interface]
Display IPv4 addresses leased from a DHCP server.
show ipv6 dhcp interface
vlan [interface]
Display information about the IPv6 DHCP information
for all interfaces or for the specified interface.
debug dhcp packet Display debug information about DHCPv4 client activities
and to trace DHCPv4 packets to and from the local
DHCPv4 client.
debug ipv6 dhcp Display debug information about DHCPv6 client activities
and to trace DHCPv6 packets to and from the local
DHCPv6 client.
ipv6 address
{[prefix/prefixlen] |
autoconfig | dhcp}
Set the IPv6 address of the management interface or
enables auto-configuration or DHCP.
ip default-gateway ipv4-
Configure a global default gateway. Only one IPv4 gateway
may be configured per switch.
ipv6 gateway ipv6-
Set the global IPv6 default gateway address. Only one IPv6
gateway may be configured per switch.
ipv6 enable Enable IPv6 functionality on the interface.
show ipv6 interface out-
Show settings for the interface.
Command Purpose