Users Guide

Images and File Management 525
Managing Configuration Scripts (SFTP)
Use the following commands to download a configuration script from a
remote system to the switch, validate the script, and activate it.
NOTE: The startup-config and backup-config files are essentially configuration
scripts and can be validated and applied by using the commands in this section.
Command Purpose
copy sftp://user@{ip-
/file-name script dest-
Downloads the specified script from the remote server to
the switch.
Password entry After you enter the copy command, the CLI prompts you
for the password associated with the username.
script validate script-
Checks the specified script for syntax errors.
The script is automatically validated when you download it
to the switch. This command can be used to validate it
script list View the list of available scripts.
script activate script-
Executes the commands within the script in order. The
configuration changes in the script are applied to the
running configuration.
script show script-name View the contents of the specified script.