Users Guide

DHCP and USB Auto-Configuration 547
An image file and a text file containing the image file name for the switch
must be available from a TFTP server if a firmware update is desired.
A configuration file (a default file such as host.cfg or a specific path/file
name using DHCP option 67 boot-file-name) for the switch must be
available from a TFTP server if a configuration update is desired from a
specific file on the TFTP server. DHCP option 67 may contain a path
name in addition to the file name.
The switch must be connected to the network and have a layer-3 interface
that is in an UP state.
A DNS server must contain an IP address to hostname mapping for the
TFTP server if the DHCP server response identifies the TFTP server by
A DNS server must contain an IP address to hostname mapping for the
switch if a <
file is to be downloaded.
If a default gateway is needed to forward TFTP requests, an IP helper
address for TFTP needs to be configured on the default gateway.