Users Guide

Port Characteristics 657
Configuring a Link Dependency Groups
The commands in this example create two link dependency groups. Group 1
has port 3 as a member port that is dependent on port 4. The group uses the
default link action, which is down. This means that if port 4 goes down, port 3
goes down. When port 4 returns to the up state, port 3 is brought back up. In
Group 2, port 6 dependent on port-channel (LAG) 1, and the link action is
up. If port-channel 1 goes down, port 6 is brought up. This also means that
when port-channel 1 is up, port 6 is down.
To configure the switch:
Enter the configuration mode for Group 1.
console(config)#link-dependency group 1
Configure the member and dependency information for the group.
console(config-linkDep-group-1)#add tengigabitethernet 1/0/3
console(config-linkDep-group-1)#depends-on tengigabitethernet
Enter the configuration mode for Group 2
console(config)#link-dependency group 2
console(config-linkDep-group-2)#add tengigabitethernet 1/0/6
console(config-linkDep-group-2)#depends-on port-channel 1
console(config-linkDep-group-2)#action up
console(config-linkDep-group-2)#CTRL + Z
View the configured link dependency groups.
console#show link-dependency
GroupId Member Ports Ports Depended On Link Action
------- ------------- ----------------- ----------
1 Te1/0/3 te/0/4 Link Down
2 te/0/6 ch1 Link Up
Configuring a Port in Access Mode
Use the following commands to configure an access mode VLAN interface
and, optionally, assign the interface to a VLAN. When a port is in access
mode, it can only be a member of one data VLAN and will accept tagged
packets with the access VLAN ID or untagged packets. Untagged packets are
treated as belonging to the access VLAN. Packets received with a VLAN ID
other than the access VLAN ID are discarded, except for voice packets tagged