Administrator Guide

Security Commands 1070
A value greater than 0 specifies the minimum number of character class tests
a password must pass. A value of 0 disables the minimum strength checking
set by the above commands. Minimum character class checking validates
passwords that contain a character matching a configured character class. If
minimum character class checking is enabled, a password must pass at least
the minimum number of configured minimum strength class checks to be
valid. Non-configured minimum character classes are not counted towards
the minimum matching character classes.
If minimum character class checking is disabled and if a password contains a
character matching a configured (non-zero) minimum strength character
class, it must meet the specific minimum strength limit for the matching
class. If the password only contains characters from non-configured character
classes, the password is considered valid.
If the maximum consecutive characters or maximum repeated characters
limits are configured, passwords must pass these tests regardless of the
minimum character class checking setting.
console(config)#passwords strength minimum character-classes 4
passwords strength exclude-keyword
Use this command to exclude the keyword while configuring the password.
The password does not accept the keyword in any form (inbetween the string,
case insensitive and reverse) as a substring. You can configure up to a
maximum of three keywords. Use the no form of this command to reset the
restriction for a given string or all the strings configured.
passwords strength exclude–keyword
no passwords strength exclude–keyword [
Default Configuration
This command has no default configuration.
Command Mode
Global Configuration Page 1070 Monday, January 25, 2016 1:25 PM