Administrator Guide

Layer 3 Routing Commands 1371
Prefix Limit The maximum number of prefixes this router is willing
to accept from this neighbor.
Prefix Warning Threshold Percentage of the prefix limit that causes a warning
message to be logged.
Warning Onl y on Prefix
Whether to shutdown a neighbor that exceeds the
prefix limit. TRUE if the event is logged without
shutting down the neighbor.
Minimum Advertisement
The minimum time between UPDATE messages sent to
this neighbor.
MD5 Password The TCP MD5 password, if one is configured, in plain
Last Error The last error that occurred on the connection to this
Last SubError The suberror reported with the last error.
Established Transitions The number of times the adjacency has transitioned
into the Established state.
Established Time How long since the connection last transitioned to or
from the Established state.
Time Elapsed Since Last
How long since an UPDATE message has been received
from this neighbor.
Message Table The number of BGP messages sent to and received from
this neighbor
Prefixes Advertised A running count of the number of prefixes advertised to
or received from this neighbor
Prefixes Withdrawn A running count of the number of prefixes included in
the Withdrawn Routes portion of UPDATE messages,
to and from this neighbor
Prefixes Current The number of prefixes currently advertised to or
received from this neighbor
Max NLRI per Update The maximum number of prefixes included in a single
UPDATE message, to and from this neighbor
Min NLRI per Update The minimum number of prefixes included in a single
UPDATE message, to and from this neighbor Page 1371 Monday, January 25, 2016 1:25 PM