Administrator Guide

Layer 3 Routing Commands 1504
GMRP Commands
Dell Networking N1500/N2000/N3000/N4000 Series Switches
The GARP Multicast Registration Protocol (GMRP) provides a mechanism
that allows networking devices to dynamically register (and deregister) Group
membership information with the MAC networking devices attached to the
same segment, and for that information to be disseminated across all
networking devices in the bridged LAN that support Extended Filtering
Services. The operation of GMRP relies upon the services provided by the
Generic Attribute Registration Protocol (GARP). GMRP is supported as
described below.
The information registered, deregistered and disseminated via GMRP is in
the following forms:
Group Membership information: This indicates that there exists one or
more GMRP participants which are members of a particular Group, and
carry the group MAC addresses associated with the Group.
Group service requirements information: This indicates that one or more
GMRP participants require Forward all Groups or Forward Unregistered to
be the default filtering behavior.
NOTE: The Group Service capability is not supported.
Registration of group membership information allow networking devices to
be made aware that frames destined for that group MAC address concerned
should be forwarded in the direction of registered members of the group.
Forwarding of frames destined for that group MAC address occur on ports on
which such membership registration has been received.
Registration of group services requirement information allow networking
devices to be made aware that any of their ports that can forward frames in
the direction from which the group service requirement information has been
received should modify their default group behavior in accordance with the
group service requirement expressed.
The registration and deregistration of membership results in the multicast
table being updated with a new entry or the existing entry modified.
This ensures that the networking device receives multicast frames from all
ports but forwards them through only those ports for which GMRP has
created Group registration entry (for that multicast address). Registration Page 1504 Monday, January 25, 2016 1:25 PM