Users Guide

202 Using the Command-Line Interface
Using Command Completion
The CLI can complete partially entered commands when the <Tab> or
<Space> key are pressed.
console#show run<Tab>
console#show running-config
If the characters entered are not enough for the switch to identify a single
matching command, continue entering characters until the switch can
uniquely identify the command. Use the question mark (?) to display the
available commands matching the characters already entered.
Entering Abbreviated Commands
To execute a command, enter enough characters so that the switch can
uniquely identify a command. For example, to enter Global Configuration
mode from Privileged Exec mode, enter conf instead of configure.
Negating Commands
For many commands, the prefix keyword no is entered to cancel the effect of
a command or reset the configuration to the default value. Many
configuration commands have this capability.
Command Output Paging
Lines are printed on the screen up to the configured terminal length limit
(default 24). Use the space bar to show the next page of output or the carriage
return to show the next line of output. Setting the terminal length to zero
disables paging. Command output displays until no more output is available.