Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Switch Management Commands 2009
console#copy flash://crashlogs/crash.0 usb://crash.0
Example – Crash Log
This example copies the most recent crash log from stack unit 5 to the TFTP
server located at The crash dump is transferred to the TFTP server
into subdirectory ~/jcm and is named crashlog.txt
console#copy core-dump 0 unit 5 tftp://
Example – Application Install
Install a single application file named hiveagent_pr_s into the user-apps
console#copy tftp:// application
Install an application package:
On the source device (a Linux workstation is shown here), perform the
following steps (aggregates hiveagent_pr hiveagent_pr_s into a compressed
tar ball ha.tgz):
linux>tar czf ha.tgz hiveagent_pr hiveagent_pr_s
On the switch, issue the following command:
console#copy tftp:// application
See what files are installed:
console#show application files
OpEN application process directory contents:
62 SupportAssist
53926 ah_ha.conf
53926 ah_ha.conf_s
74062 hiveagent
1143002 hiveagent_pr
1143002 hiveagent_pr_s
10517 sa-main.pyc
2544 saCommitUpl.pyc
3461 saGetConfig.pyc
4465 saGlobal.pyc
12464 saSendChunk.pyc