
Restore factory defaults
To restore your system factory defaults, reboot the system to ONIE: Uninstall OS mode.
NOTE: The DIAG OS does not uninstall using the ONIE: Uninstall OS menu option.
If it is not possible to restore your factory defaults with the installed OS, reboot the system from the Grub menu and select
ONIE: Rescue. ONIE Rescue bypasses the installed OS and boots the system into ONIE until you reboot the system. After
ONIE Rescue completes, the system resets and boots to the ONIE console.
CAUTION: Restoring factory defaults erases any installed OS and requires a long time to erase storage.
1. Restore the factory defaults on your system from the Grub menu using the ONIE: Uninstall OS command.
Use the up and down arrow keys to select which entry is highlighted.
GNU GRUB version 2.02~beta2+e4a1fe391
| ONIE: Install OS |
| ONIE: Rescue |
|*ONIE: Uninstall OS |
| ONIE: Update ONIE |
| ONIE: Embed ONIE |
| |
| |
| |
2. Press ENTER to activate the console.
3. Return to the default ONIE settings using the onie-uninstaller command.
ONIE:/ # onie-uninstaller
Erasing internal mass storage device: /dev/sda4 (32MB)
Percent complete: 100%
Erase complete.
Deleting partition 4 from /dev/sda
Erasing internal mass storage device: /dev/sda5 (300MB)
Percent complete: 100%
Erase complete.
Deleting partition 5 from /dev/sda
Erasing internal mass storage device: /dev/sda6 (300MB)
Percent complete: 100%
Erase complete.
Deleting partition 6 from /dev/sda
Erasing internal mass storage device: /dev/sda7 (12461MB)
Percent complete: 100%
Erase complete.
Deleting partition 7 from /dev/sda
Installing for i386-pc platform.
Installation finished. No error reported.
Uninstall complete. Rebooting...
ONIE:/ # discover: Rescue mode detected. No discover stopped.
Stopping: dropbear ssh daemon... done.
Stopping: telnetd... done.
Stopping: syslogd... done.
Info: Unmounting kernel filesystems
The system is going down NOW!
Sent SIGTERM to all processes
Sent SIGKILL tosd 4:0:0:0: [sda] Synchronizing SCSI cache
Restarting system.
machine restart