Users Guide

Layer 3 Routing Commands 1573
User Guidelines
This command has no user guidelines.
The following example displays the IPv6 status of forwarding mode and IPv6
unicast routing mode.
console#show ipv6 brief
IPv6 Unicast Routing Mode.................... Enable
IPv6 Hop Limit............................... Unconfigured
ICMPv6 Rate Limit Error Interval............. 1000 msec
ICMPv6 Rate Limit Burst Size................. 100 messages
show ipv6 interface
Use the show ipv6 interface command to show the usability status of IPv6
interfaces. The output of the command includes the method of assignment
for each IPv6 address that is either autoconfigured or leased from a DHCP
server. Global addresses with no annotation are assumed to be manually
show ipv6 interface [brief] [loopback loopback-id | tunnel tunnel-id | vlan
vlan-id [prefix]]
loopback-id—Valid loopback interface ID
tunnel-id—Valid tunnel interface ID
vlan-id—Valid VLAN ID
prefix—Display IPv6 Interface Prefix Information.
Default Configuration
Displays all IPv6 interfaces.
Command Mode
User Exec, Privileged Exec modes, Global Configuration mode and all
Configuration submodes