Setup Guide

CLI options
root@dellemc-diag-os:~# psutool
DellEmc Diag - Power Supply Tool
version 2.0, x.xx.x.x-x
build, 2019/07/03,
Syntax: psutool <option>
Show the Help-text:=
psutool --h (or)
psutool -h
Test using the default config file:=
psutool --test [--supply=<power_supply>] (or)
psutool -t [-S <power_supply>]
Set the Fan Speed on the Power Supply:=
psutool --fanspeed=<percentage> [--supply=<power_supply>] (or)
psutool -F <percentage> [-S <power_supply>]
Read the register on the Power Supply:=
psutool --read --supply=<power_supply> --reg=<register> (or)
psutool -r -S <power_supply> -r <register>
Write the value into the Power Supply Register:=
psutool --write --supply=<power_supply> --reg=<register> --val=<value> (or)
psutool -w <power_supply> -R <register> -V <value>
Execute repeatedly command by count:=
psutool --iteration=max/<count> [option1] [option2]... (or)
psutool -I max/<count> [option1] [Usage:=
-h, --h Show the help text
-t, --test Test using the pre-programmed configuration or use supplied config
-F, --fanspeed Fan Speed
-S, --supply= Power supply
-r, --read Read operation
-w, --write Write operation
-R, --register= Register
-V, --value= Value to be set
-I, --iteration= Iteration command execution
test option
root@dellemc-diag-os:~# psutool --test
Power Supply Test all
DELL PSU Current IN 0.8(A)
DELL PSU Current OUT 2.8(A)
DELL PSU Voltage IN 206.0(V)
DELL PSU Voltage Out 56.4(V)
DELL PSU Power IN 154.8(W)
DELL PSU Power Out 155.2(W)
DELL PSU Temperature 31.2(C)
PSU-1 ............................................ Passed
PSU-2 is not present
Power Supply Test: Overall test results------------------ >>>> PASSED
Dell EMC DIAG-OS tools