Setup Guide

count=<Byte count> --val=<val1,val2..> (or)
temptool -w -D <tag> -R <ofs> -W <width> -C <byte count> -V <values>
-h, --h Show the help text
-t, --test Test using the pre-programmed configuration or use supplied config
-x, --show Show operation
-f, --config= To specify the location of the config file e.g. /etc/dn/diag/
-I, --iteration= Iteration command execution
-w, --write Write operation
-r, --read Read operation
-W, --width Width {8,16}
-D, --sensor
-V, --val
-C, --count Count
test — Tests the sensors to make sure they are within the acceptable range.
show — Shows the current temperature values.
test output
root@dellemc-diag-os:~# temptool --test
Testing Temp sensor devices:
+ Checking [CPU board Thermal Sensor_TMP75AI] = 30.0 C ....................... Passed
+ Checking [Temp Sensor 1] = 29.0 C ....................... Passed
+ Checking [Temp Sensor 2] = 41.0 C ....................... Passed
+ Checking [Temp Sensor 3] = 27.0 C ....................... Passed
+ Checking [Temp Sensor 4] = 30.0 C ....................... Passed
+ Checking [Temp Sensor 5] = 28.0 C ....................... Passed
Temp Sensors: Overall test results------------------ >>>> PASSED
The updatetool shows the CPLD, FPGA, and BIOS versions that are used to upgrade the CPLD, FPGA, and BIOS.
There are no defined tests with updatetool.
CLI options
root@dellemc-diag-os:~# updatetool
DellEmc Diag - Update Tool
version 2.0, x.xx.x.x-x
build, 2019/07/03,
Syntax: updatetool <option>
Print the Help-Text:=
updatetool --help (or)
updatetool -h
Tool Version:=
updatetool --version (or)
updatetool -v
Device Version:=
updatetool --dev=<BIOS|CPU_CPLD|System_CPLD|ALL> --device_version (or)
updatetool -D <devname | ALL> -V
Update the Device:=
updatetool --dev=<BIOS|CPU_CPLD|System_CPLD> --update --file=<filename> (or)
Dell EMC DIAG-OS tools