Setup Guide

Not all flash regions are freely accessible by flashrom. This is most likely
due to an active ME. Please see for details.
PR0: Warning: 0x01860000-0x01e6efff is read-only.
PR1: Warning: 0x01e70000-0x01ffffff is read-only.
Enabling hardware sequencing because some important opcode is locked.
Reading flash... done.
Warning: BIOS region SMM protection is enabled!
Warning: Setting Bios Control at 0xdc from 0xaa to 0x89 failed.
New value is 0xaa.
Warning: SPI Configuration Lockdown activated.
FREG2: Warning: Management Engine region (0x00001000-0x01595fff) is locked.
Not all flash regions are freely accessible by flashrom. This is most likely
due to an active ME. Please see for details.
PR0: Warning: 0x01860000-0x01e6efff is read-only.
PR1: Warning: 0x01e70000-0x01ffffff is read-only.
Warning: BIOS region SMM protection is enabled!
Warning: Setting Bios Control at 0xdc from 0xaa to 0x89 failed.
New value is 0xaa.
Warning: SPI Configuration Lockdown activated.
FREG2: Warning: Management Engine region (0x00001000-0x01595fff) is locked.
Not all flash regions are freely accessible by flashrom. This is most likely
due to an active ME. Please see for details.
PR0: Warning: 0x01860000-0x01e6efff is read-only.
PR1: Warning: 0x01e70000-0x01ffffff is read-only.
Erase current image
Warning: BIOS region SMM protection is enabled!
Warning: Setting Bios Control at 0xdc from 0xaa to 0x89 failed.
New value is 0xaa.
Warning: SPI Configuration Lockdown activated.
FREG2: Warning: Management Engine region (0x00001000-0x01595fff) is locked.
Not all flash regions are freely accessible by flashrom. This is most likely
due to an active ME. Please see for details.
PR0: Warning: 0x01860000-0x01e6efff is read-only.
PR1: Warning: 0x01e70000-0x01ffffff is read-only.
Enabling hardware sequencing because some important opcode is locked.
Erasing and writing flash chip... Erase/write done.
Write image to BIOS
Warning: BIOS region SMM protection is enabled!
Warning: Setting Bios Control at 0xdc from 0xaa to 0x89 failed.
New value is 0xaa.
Warning: SPI Configuration Lockdown activated.
FREG2: Warning: Management Engine region (0x00001000-0x01595fff) is locked.
Not all flash regions are freely accessible by flashrom. This is most likely
due to an active ME. Please see for details.
PR0: Warning: 0x01860000-0x01e6efff is read-only.
PR1: Warning: 0x01e70000-0x01ffffff is read-only.
Enabling hardware sequencing because some important opcode is locked.
Erasing and writing flash chip... Erase/write done.
Verifying flash... VERIFIED.
write BIOS image success
Update BIOS image success
CPLD update: N2200-ON or N3200-ON Series Only
root@dellemc-diag-os:~# ifconfig eth0
root@dellemc-diag-os:~# route add default gw
root@dellemc-diag-os:~# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=62 time=0.116 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=62 time=0.127 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=62 time=0.099 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=62 time=0.097 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=62 time=0.099 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=62 time=0.096 ms
--- ping statistics ---
24 packets transmitted, 24 received, 0% packet loss, time 23587ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.093/0.106/0.140/0.016 ms
Dell EMC DIAG-OS tools