Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Switch Management Commands 1976
Using DHCP a centralized management policy can be implemented as the
DHCP server keeps information about all the subnets. This allows a
system operator to update a single server when configuration changes take
ip dhcp pool
Use the ip dhcp pool command in Global Configuration mode to define a
DHCP address pool that can be used to supply addressing information to
DHCP clients. Upon successful completion, this command puts the user into
DHCP Pool Configuration mode. Use the no form of the command to
remove an address pool definition.
ip dhcp pool [pool-name]
no ip dhcp pool [pool-name]
pool-name—The name of an existing or new DHCP address pool. The
pool name can be up to 31 characters in length and can contain the
following characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ’-’, ’_’, ’ ’. Enclose the entire pool name
in quotes if an embedded blank is to appear in the pool name.
Default Configuration
The command has no default configuration.
Command Mode
Global Configuration mode
User Guidelines
This capability requires the DHCP service to be enabled. Enable the DHCP
service using the service dhcp command. Dell EMC Networking supports
dynamic, automatic, and manual address assignment. Dynamic address
assignment leases an address to the client for a limited period of time.
Automatic assignment assigns a permanent address to a client. Manual
(static) assignment simply conveys an address assigned by the administrator
to the client.