Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Switch Management Commands 1994
0x12 - TLV length - 18 bytes
0x05 - Sub-option code 5
0x10 - Sub-option length - 16 bytes
0x6175746f696e7374616c6c5f646863.70 - Sub-option value
Options that accept only fixed length strings need only have the relevant data
bytes specified on the command line. The switch will build the TLV and
insert the specified data bytes into the option. Refer to the relevant
documentation for the DHCP client to identify what information, if any, is
accepted by the client in DHCP Option 125.
Table 7-1 lists the other options that can be configured and their fixed length,
minimum length, and length multiple requirements. Refer to the relevant
documentation for the DHCP client to identify what information, if any, is
accepted by the client for the options listed below.
Table 7-1. Option Codes and Lengths
Option Code Fixed Length Minimum Length Multiple Of
2 (Time Offset) 4
4 (Time Server) 4 4
7 (Log Server) 4 4
8 (Cookie Server) 4 4
9 (LPR Server) 4 4
10 (Impress Server) 4 4
11 (Resource Location
12 (Host Name) 1
13 (Boot File Size) 2
14 (Merit File Dump) 1
16 (Swap Server) 4
17 (Root Path) 1
18 (Extensions Path) 1