Users Guide

Table Of Contents
596 DHCP and USB Auto-Configuration
Default Auto Configuration Values
Table 14-3 describes the Auto Configuration defaults.
Table 14-3. Auto Configuration Defaults
Feature Default Description
Auto Install
Enabled When the switch boots and no saved configuration is
found, Auto Configuration automatically begins.
Retry Count 3 When the DHCP or BootP server returns information
about the TFTP server and a DHCP option 67 boot-file-
name, the switch makes three unicast TFTP requests for
the specified file. If the unicast attempts fail or if a
TFTP server address was not provided, the switch makes
three broadcast requests to any available TFTP server
for the specified file.
AutoSave Disabled If the switch is successfully auto-configured, the
running configuration is not saved to the startup
configuration after applying the DHCP option 67
AutoReboot Enabled After an image is successfully downloaded during the
Auto Configuration process, the switch automatically
reboots and makes the downloaded image the active