Concept Guide

Table 54. Spanning Tree Variations Dell EMC Networking OS Supports
Dell EMC Networking Term IEEE Specication
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) 802 .1d
Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) 802 .1w
Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) 802 .1s
Per-VLAN Spanning Tree Plus (PVST+) Third Party
Implementation Information
The Dell EMC Networking OS implementation of PVST+ is based on IEEE Standard 802.1w.
The Dell EMC Networking OS implementation of PVST+ uses IEEE 802.1s costs as the default costs (as shown in the following table).
Other implementations use IEEE 802.1w costs as the default costs. If you are using Dell EMC Networking systems in a multivendor
network, verify that the costs are values you intended.
You can enable PVST+ on 254 VLANs. To set up VLANs, refer to Virtual LANs (VLANs).
NOTE: Dell EMC Networking OS supports upto 64 VLANs or instances and the number of virtual ports (number of VLANs *
interface groups) must not exceed 64 in a L2 and L3 scaled environment and 128 in L2 only environment.
Congure Per-VLAN Spanning Tree Plus
Conguring PVST+ is a four-step process.
1 Congure interfaces for Layer 2.
2 Place the interfaces in VLANs.
3 Enable PVST+.
4 Optionally, for load balancing, select a nondefault bridge-priority for a VLAN.
Related Conguration Tasks
Modifying Global PVST+ Parameters
Modifying Interface PVST+ Parameters
Conguring an EdgePort
Flush MAC Addresses after a Topology Change
Prevent Network Disruptions with BPDU Guard
Enabling SNMP Traps for Root Elections and Topology Changes
Conguring Spanning Trees as Hitless
PVST+ in Multi-Vendor Networks
Enabling PVST+ Extended System ID
PVST+ Sample Congurations
Enabling PVST+
When you enable PVST+, Dell EMC Networking OS instantiates STP on each active VLAN.
1 Enter PVST context.
Per-VLAN Spanning Tree Plus (PVST+)