Concept Guide

Error-cause Scenarios
DM requests containing attributes other than NAS/Session identication attributes.
2 Invalid Attribute Value(407)
CoA or DM request containing the incorrect NAS-Port, calling-station-id, and
Vendor-Specic attribute values.
3 NAS Identication
CoA request containing NAS-IP-Address or NAS-IPV6-Address that does not
match NAS.
4 Administratively Prohibited(501)
NAS is congured to ignore the CoA or DM request. Also, dot1x is not congured on
the NAS-Port.
5 Session Context Not
CoA or DM request containing session identication attributes that does not match
any of the NAS user sessions.
6 Resource Unavailable(506)
Internal CoA or DM message processing errors.
7 Missing Attribute(402)
CoA or DM request without Vendor-specic attribute or invalid Vendor-specic
CoA with re-authenticate or terminate request not containing calling-station-id or
NAS-Port attribute.
CoA with disable-port or bounce-port request not containing NAS-Port attribute.
DM request not containing user-name attribute.
CoA Packet Processing
This section lists various actions that the NAS performs during CoA packet processing.
The following activities are performed by NAS:
responds with CoA-Nak, if no matching session is found for the session identication attributes in CoA; Error-Cause value is “Session
Context Not Found” (503).
responds with CoA-Nak, for any internal processing error in NAS; Error-Cause value is “Resources Unavailable” (506).
ignores attributes that are supported as per RFC but irrelevant to the CoA operations.
responds to a CoA-Request containing one or more incorrect attribute values with a CoA-Nak; Error-Cause value is “Invalid Attribute
Value” (407).
The Invalid Attribute Value Error-Cause is applicable to following scenarios:
if the CoA request contains incorrect Vendor-Specic attribute value.
if the CoA request contains incorrect NAS-port or calling-station-id values.
rejects the CoA-Request containing NAS-IP-Address or NAS-IPV6-Address attribute that does not match the NAS with a CoA-Nak;
Error-Cause value is “NAS Identication Mismatch” (403).
responds with a CoA-Nak, if it is congured to prohibit honoring of corresponding CoA-Request messages; Error-Cause value is
Administratively Prohibited” (501).
The Administratively Prohibited Error-Cause is also applicable to following scenarios:
if the dot1x feature is not enabled in the NAS-port.
if the NAS-port state is administratively down.
Security 763