Concept Guide

HeartBeat Timeout: 3
UDP Port: 34998
HeartBeat Messages Sent: 1026
HeartBeat Messages Received: 1025
Dell_VLTpeer2# show vlt backup-link
VLT Backup Link
Peer HeartBeat status: Up
HeartBeat Timer Interval: 1
HeartBeat Timeout: 3
UDP Port: 34998
HeartBeat Messages Sent: 1030
HeartBeat Messages Received: 1014
The following example shows the show vlt brief command.
DellEMC#show vlt brief
VLT Domain Brief
Domain ID : 1
Role : Secondary
Role Priority : 32768
ICL Link Status : Up
HeartBeat Status : Up
VLT Peer Status : Up
Version : 6(3)
Local System MAC address : 00:01:e8:8a:e9:91
Remote System MAC address : 00:01:e8:8a:e9:76
Remote system version : 6(3)
Delay-Restore timer : 90 seconds
Delay-Restore Abort Threshold : 60 seconds
Peer-Routing : Disabled
Peer-Routing-Timeout timer : 0 seconds
Multicast peer-routing timeout : 150 seconds
The following example shows the show vlt detail command.
Dell_VLTpeer1# show vlt detail
Local LAG Id Peer LAG Id Local Status Peer Status Active VLANs
------------ ----------- ------------ ----------- -------------
100 100 UP UP 10, 20, 30
127 2 UP UP 20, 30
Dell_VLTpeer2# show vlt detail
Local LAG Id Peer LAG Id Local Status Peer Status Active VLANs
------------ ----------- ------------ ----------- -------------
2 127 UP UP 20, 30
100 100 UP UP 10, 20, 30
The following example shows the show vlt role command.
Dell_VLTpeer1# show vlt role
VLT Role
VLT Role: Primary
System MAC address: 00:01:e8:8a:df:bc
System Role Priority: 32768
Local System MAC address: 00:01:e8:8a:df:bc
Local System Role Priority: 32768
Dell_VLTpeer2# show vlt role
Virtual Link Trunking (VLT)