Deployment Guide

45 Dell EMC Solutions for Microsoft Azure Stack HCI Networking Guide
Review the cluster creation report for any warnings. The warning shown in the command output above is
because a cluster witness has not been configured.
A witness is configured in the following section.
9.10 Configure a cluster witness
Microsoft recommends configuring a witness for a cluster with three or four nodes and requires a witness for a
two-node cluster. Witness configuration is not required for clusters with five or more nodes.
Note: For more information see
A witness may be a file share or cloud-based. The following steps cover setting up a file share on the
management system as the cluster witness:
1. Create a file share on the management system as follows:
PS> New-Item -Name "Witness" -ItemType Directory -Path C:\
PS> New-SmbShare -Name Witness -Path C:\Witness -FullAccess
PS> Set-SmbPathAcl ShareName Witness
2. Configure a quorum using the file share by running the following command on any one of the Ready
PS> Set-ClusterQuorum -FileShareWitness \\mgmt-01\Witness
Note: The above command fails if run from the management system because the Cluster Service is not
running on it. The command only needs to be run on one node as it applies to the entire cluster.
3. Verify the quorum resource is configured by running the following command on any one of the Ready
PS> Get-ClusterQuorum
Cluster QuorumResource
------- --------------
Cluster-01 File Share Witness
Note: For more information, see
share-witness-on-a-scale-out-file-server. For information about configuring a cloud-based witness, see