Service Manual

Specify the minimum and maximum threshold values for the congured WRED proles.
threshold min number max number max-drop-probability
To remove the threshold values, use the no threshold min number max number command.
min number Enter the keyword min then the minimum threshold number for the WRED prole.
The range is from 1 to 9360.
probability number
Enter the keyword max-drop-probability followed by the maximum number of
packets for the WRED prole. The range is from 0 to 100 KB
Defaults none
Command Modes CONFIGURATION (cong-wred)
Command History
This guide is platform-specic. For command information about other platforms, refer to the relevant Dell
Networking OS Command Line Reference Guide.
The following is a list of the Dell Networking OS version history for this command.
Version Description
9.8(0.0) Introduced on the S3048-ON and S4048-ON.
9.7(0.0) Introduced on the S6000-ON. Introduced on the S6000. Introduced on the S4820T. Introduced on the Z9000. Introduced on the S4810.
Usage Information To congure the minimum and maximum threshold values for user-dened proles, use this command.
Additionally, to modify the minimum and maximum threshold values for the pre-dened WRED proles, use
this command. If you delete the threshold values of the pre-dened WRED proles, the proles revert to
their original default values.
Pre-Dened WRED Prole
Minimum Threshold Maximum Threshold
wred_drop 0 0
wred_ten_y 467 4671 100
wred_ten_g 467 4671 50
wred_fortyg_y 467 4671 50
wred_fortyg_g 467 4671 25
Related Commands wred-prole — creates a WRED prole.
Quality of Service (QoS)