Service Manual

ipv6 Enter the keyword ipv6 to congure an IPv6 access class.
Defaults Not congured.
Command Modes LINE
Command History
This guide is platform-specic. For command information about other platforms, refer to the relevant Dell
Networking OS Command Line Reference Guide.
The following is a list of the Dell Networking OS version history for this command.
Version Description
9.8(0.0) Added the ipv4 and ipv6 parameters to the command. Introduced on the
S3048-ON and S4048-ON.
9.7(0.0) Introduced on the S6000–ON. Introduced on the S6000. Introduced on the S4820T. Introduced on the Z9000. Introduced on the S4810. Introduced on the E-Series ExaScale. Increase the name string to accept up to 140 characters. Prior to, names
were up to 16 characters long. Introduced on the S-Series. Introduced on the C-Series. Introduced on the E-Series.
Usage Information
When you use the access-class access-list-name command without specifying the ipv4 or
ipv6 attribute, both IPv4 as well as IPv6 rules that are dened in that ACL are applied to the terminal. This
method is a generic way of conguring access restrictions.
To be able to lter access exclusively using either IPv4 or IPv6 rules, use either the ipv4 or ipv6 attribute
along with the access-class access-list-name command. Depending on the attribute that you
specify (
ipv4 or ipv6), the ACL processes either IPv4 or IPv6 rules, but not both. Using this conguration,
you can set up two dierent types of access classes with each class processing either IPv4 or IPv6 rules
However, if you already have congured generic IP ACL on a terminal line, then you cannot further apply
IPv4 or IPv6 specic ltering on top of this conguration. Because, both IPv4 and IPv6 access classes are
already congured on this terminal line. Before applying either IPv4 or IPv6 ltering, rst undo the generic
conguration using the no access-class access-list-name command.
Similarly, if you have congured either IPv4 or IPv6 specic ltering on a terminal line, you cannot apply
generic IP ACLs on top of this conguration. Before applying the generic ACL conguration, rst undo the
existing conguration using the no access-class access-list-name [ipv4 | ipv6]
Access Control Lists (ACL)