Service Manual

Version Description Introduced on the E-Series.
Usage Information
When all sequence numbers are exhausted, this feature permits re-assigning a new sequence number to
entries of an existing access-list.
Assign a sequence number to a deny or permit lter in an extended IP access list while creating the lter.
seq sequence-number {deny | permit} {ip-protocol-number | icmp | ip | tcp |
udp} {source mask | any | host ip-address} {destination mask | any | host
ip-address} [operator port [port]] [count [byte] | log] [dscp value]
[order] [monitor] [fragments] [no-drop]
sequence-number Enter a number from 0 to 4294967290. The range is from 0 to 65534.
deny Enter the keyword deny to congure a lter to drop packets meeting this
permit Enter the keyword permit to congure a lter to forward packets meeting this
ip-protocol-number Enter a number from 0 to 255 to lter based on the protocol identied in the IP
protocol header.
icmp Enter the keyword icmp to congure an ICMP access list lter.
ip Enter the keyword ip to congure a generic IP access list. The keyword ip
species that the access list permits all IP protocols.
tcp Enter the keyword tcp to congure a TCP access list lter.
udp Enter the keyword udp to congure a UDP access list lter.
source Enter an IP address in dotted decimal format of the network from which the packet
was received.
mask (OPTIONAL) Enter a network mask in /prex format (/x) or A.B.C.D. The mask,
when specied in A.B.C.D format, may be either contiguous or non-contiguous.
any Enter the keyword any to specify that all routes are subject to the lter.
host ip-address Enter the keyword host and then enter the IP address to specify a host IP
address or hostname.
operator (OPTIONAL) Enter one of the following logical operands:
eq = equal to
neq = not equal to
gt = greater than
lt = less than
range = inclusive range of ports (you must specify two ports for the port
port port (OPTIONAL) Enter the application layer port number. Enter two port numbers if
you are using the range logical operand. The range is from 0 to 65535.
Access Control Lists (ACL)