Service Manual

To pass packets matching the criteria specied, congure a lter.
permit {any | host mac-address | mac-source-address mac-source-address-
mask} {any | host mac-address | mac-destination-address mac-destination-
address-mask} [ethertype operator] [count [byte]] | [log] [monitor]
To remove this lter, you have two choices:
Use the no seq sequence-number command if you know the lter’s sequence number.
Use the no permit {any | host mac-address | mac-source-address mac-source-
address-mask} {any | mac-destination-address mac-destination-address-
mask} command.
any Enter the keyword any to forward all packets.
host Enter the keyword host then a MAC address to forward packets with that host
Enter a MAC address in nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn format.
(OPTIONAL) Specify which bits in the MAC address must match.
The MAC ACL supports an inverse mask; therefore, a mask of :::: : allows
entries that do not match and a mask of 00:00:00:00:00:00 only allows entries that
match exactly.
Enter the destination MAC address and mask in nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn format.
Specify which bits in the MAC address must be matched.
The MAC ACL supports an inverse mask; therefore, a mask of :::: : allows
entries that do not match and a mask of 00:00:00:00:00:00 only allows entries that
match exactly.
ethertype operator (OPTIONAL) To lter based on protocol type, enter one of the following
ev2 - is the Ethernet II frame format
llc - is the IEEE 802.3 frame format
snap - is the IEEE 802.3 SNAP frame format
count (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword count to count packets the lter processes.
byte (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword byte to count bytes the lter processes.
log (OPTIONAL, E-Series only) Enter the keyword log to log the packets.
monitor (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword monitor when the rule is describing the trac
that you want to monitor and the ACL in which you are creating the rule is applied
to the monitored interface.
Access Control Lists (ACL)