Service Manual

number] ecfmacl number [nlbclusteracl number] ipv4pbr number }openflow
number | fcoe number} [iscsioptacl number] [vrfv4acl number]
default Use the default CAM prole settings and set the CAM as follows:
L2Acl : 6
IPV4Acl : 4
IPV6Acl : 0
IPV4Qos : 2
L2Qos : 1
L2PT : 0
IpMacAcl : 0
VmanQos : 0
VmanDualQos : 0
EcfmAcl : 0
nlbclusteracl: 0
FcoeAcl : 0
iscsiOptAcl : 0
ipv4pbr : 0
vrfv4Acl :0
Openow : 0
fedgovacl : 0
l2acl number Enter the keyword l2acl and then the number of l2acl blocks. The range is from 1
to 8.
ipv4acl number Enter the keyword ipv4acl and then the number of FP blocks for IPv4. The
range is from 0 to 8.
ipv6acl number Enter the keyword ipv6acl and then the number of FP blocks for IPv6. The
range is from 0 to 4.
ipv4qos number Enter the keyword ipv4qos and then the number of FP blocks for IPv4. The
range is from 0 to 8.
l2qos number Enter the keyword l2qos and then the number of FP blocks for l2 qos. The range
is from 1to 8.
l2pt number Enter the keyword l2pt and then the number of FP blocks for l2 protocol
tunnelling. The range is from 0 to 1.
Ipmacacl number Enter the keyword ipmacacl and then the number of FP blocks for IP and MAC
ACL. The range is from 0 to 6.
ecfmacl number Enter the keyword ecfmacacl and then the number of FP blocks for ECFM ACL.
The range is from 0 to 5.
Enter the keyword nlbclusteracl and then the number of FP blocks for
nlbcluster ACL. The range is from 0 to 2. By default the value is 0 and it supports 8
NLB arp entries reserved for internal functionality.
Content Addressable Memory (CAM)