Service Manual

Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP)
The neighbor discovery protocol for IPv6 is dened in RFC 2461 as part of the Stateless Address Autoconguration protocol. It
replaces the Address Resolution Protocol used with IPv4. NDP denes mechanisms for solving the following problems:
Router discovery: Hosts can locate routers residing on a link
Prex discovery: Hosts can discover address prexes for the link
Parameter discovery
Address autocongurationconguration of addresses for an interface
Address resolution — mapping from IP address to link-layer address
Next-hop determination
Neighbor unreachability detection (NUD): Determine that a neighbor is no longer reachable on the link.
Duplicate address detection (DAD): Allow a node to check whether a proposed address is already in use.
Redirect: The router can inform a node about a better rst-hop.
NDP uses the following ve ICMPv6 packet types in its implementation:
Router Solicitation
Router Advertisement
Neighbor Solicitation
Neighbor Advertisement
clear ipv6 neighbors
Delete all entries in the IPv6 neighbor discovery cache or neighbors of a specic interface. Static entries are not removed using this
clear ipv6 neighbors [ipv6-address | interface]
ipv6-address Enter the IPv6 address of the neighbor in the x:x:x:x::x format to remove a specic
IPv6 neighbor.
NOTE: The :: notation species successive hexadecimal elds of zero.
interface interface To remove all neighbor entries learned on a specic interface, enter the keyword
interface then the interface type and slot/port or number information of the
For a 1-Gigabit Ethernet interface, enter the keyword GigabitEthernet
then the slot/port information.
Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP)