Service Manual

Usage Information Use this command to create an object that tracks the routing state of an IPv6 Layer 3 interface:
The status of the IPv6 interface is UP only if the Layer 2 status of the interface is UP and the interface
has a valid IP address.
The Layer 3 status of an IPv6 interface goes DOWN when its Layer 2 status goes down (for a Layer 3
VLAN, all VLAN ports must be down) or the IP address is removed from the routing table.
Related Commands
show track ipv6 route – displays information about tracked IPv6 routes, including conguration, current
state, and clients which track the route.
track interface ip routingcongures object tracking on the routing status of an IPv4 Layer 3 interface.
track ipv6 route metric threshold
Congure object tracking on the threshold of an IPv4 route metric.
track object-id ipv6 route ipv6-address/prefix-len metric threshold
To return to the default setting, use the no track object-id command.
object-id Enter the ID number of the tracked object. The range is 1 to 500.
Enter an IPv6 address in X:X:X:X::X format. The valid IPv6 prex lengths are
from /0 to / 128.
Defaults none
Command History
Version Description
9.8(0.0) Introduced on the S3048-ON and S4048-ON.
9.7(0.0) Introduced on the S6000-ON. Introduced on the S4810. Introduced.
Usage Information
Use this command to create an object that tracks the UP and/or DOWN threshold of an IPv6 route metric.
In order for a route’s metric to be tracked, the route must appear as an entry in the routing table.
A tracked IPv6 route is considered to match an entry in the routing table only if the exact IPv6 address and
prex length match a table entry. For example, when congured as a tracked route,
3333:100:200:300:400::/80 does not match routing table entry 3333:100:200:300::/64. If no route-table
entry has the exact IPv6 address and prex length, the status of the tracked route is considered to be
When you congure the threshold of an IPv6 route metric as a tracked object, the UP/DOWN state of the
tracked route is also determined by the current metric for the route in the routing table.
To provide a common tracking interface for dierent clients, route metrics are scaled in the range 0 to 255,
where 0 is connected and 255 is inaccessible. The scaled metric value communicated to a client always
considers a lower value to have priority over a higher value. The resulting scaled value is compared against
the congured threshold values to determine the state of a tracked route as follows:
If the scaled metric for a route entry is less than or equal to the UP threshold, the state of a route is UP.
Object Tracking