Users Guide

Multi Topology Routing is enabled in transition mode.
show isis trac
This command allows you to display IS-IS trac interface information.
show isis [vrf vrf-name] traffic [interface]
vrf vrf-name (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword vrf followed by the name of the VRF to display IS-IS
trac interface information corresponding to that VRF.
interface (OPTIONAL) Identies the interface type and the interface following:
For a 1-GigabitEthernet interface, enter the keyword GigabitEthernet then the
slot/port information.
For a 10-Gigabit Ethernet interface, enter the keyword TenGigabitEthernet then
the slot/port information.
For a port channel interface, enter the keywords port-channel then a number.
For a VLAN interface, enter the keyword vlan then a number from 1 to 4094.
Command Modes
EXEC Privilege
Command History
This guide is platform-specic. For command information about other platforms, see the relevant Dell Networking
OS Command Line Reference Guide.
Version Description
9.8(1.0) Introduced on the Z9100–ON.
9.8(0.0P5) Introduced on the S4048-ON.
9.8(0.0P2) Introduced on the S3048-ON.
9.7(0.0) Added support for VRF. Introduced on the S6000-ON.
9.5(0.1) Introduced on the Z9500.
9.2(0.2) Introduced on the Z9000. Introduced on the S6000. Introduced on the S4820T. Introduced on the S4810.
Usage Information The following describes the show isis traffic command shown in the following example.
Item Description
Hellos (sent/rcvd)
Displays the number of Hello packets sent and received.
850 Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS)