Administrator Guide

neq = not equal to
gt = greater than
lt = less than
range = inclusive range of ports (you must specify two ports for the port
portnumber (OPTIONAL) Enter the application layer port number. Enter two port numbers if you are
using the range logical operand. The range is from 0 to 65535.
The following list includes some common TCP port numbers:
23 = Telnet
20 and 21 = FTP-DATA and FTP
25 = SMTP
169 = SNMP
destination Enter the IP address of the network or host to which the packets are sent.
ttl Enter the keyword ttl to permit or deny a packet based on the time to live value. The
range is from 1 to 255.
operator Enter one of the following logical operand:
eq(equal to) — matches packets that contain a ttl value that is equal to the specied
ttl value.
neq(not equal to) — matches packets that contain a ttl value that is not equal to the
specied ttl value.
gt(greater than) — matches packets that contain a ttl value that is greater than the
specied ttl value.
lt (less than) — matches packets that contain a ttl value that is less than the
specied ttl value.
range(inclusive range of values) — matches packets that contain a ttl value that
falls between the specied range of ttl values.
count (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword count to count the packets.
bytes (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword bytes to count the bytes.
log (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword log to enter ACL matches in the log.
dscp (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword dcsp to match to the IP DSCP values. The range is from
0 to 63.
ecn (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword ecn to match to the ECN values. The range is from 0 to
order (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword order to specify the QoS order for the ACL entry. The
range is from 0 to 254 (where 0 is the highest priority and 254 is the lowest; lower-order
numbers have a higher priority). If you do not use the keyword order, the ACLs have the
lowest order by default (255).
monitor (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword monitor then the session–ID to describe the trac
that you want to monitor and the ACL in which you are creating the rule is applied to the
monitored interface. The session–ID range is from 0 to 65535.
NOTE: For more information, see “Flow-based Monitoring” in the Port
Monitoring section of the
Dell Networking OS Conguration Guide
Access Control Lists (ACL) 221