Users Guide

Figure 64. Organizationally Specic TLV
IEEE Organizationally Specic TLVs
Eight TLV types have been dened by the IEEE 802.1 and 802.3 working groups as a basic part of LLDP; the IEEE OUI is 00-80-C2. You
can congure the Dell Networking system to advertise any or all of these TLVs.
Table 33. Optional TLV Types
Type TLV Description
Optional TLVs
4 Port description A user-dened alphanumeric string that
describes the port. Dell Networking OS does
not currently support this TLV.
5 System name A user-dened alphanumeric string that
identies the system.
6 System description A user-dened alphanumeric string that
identies the system.
7 System capabilities Identies the chassis as one or more of the
following: repeater, bridge, WLAN Access
Point, Router, Telephone, DOCSIS cable
device, end station only, or other.
8 Management address Indicates the network address of the
management interface. Dell Networking OS
does not currently support this TLV.
IEEE 802.1 Organizationally Specic TLVs
127 Port-VLAN ID On Dell Networking systems, indicates the
untagged VLAN to which a port belongs.
127 Port and Protocol VLAN ID On Dell Networking systems, indicates the
tagged VLAN to which a port belongs (and
the untagged VLAN to which a port belongs
if the port is in Hybrid mode).
127 Protocol Identity Indicates the protocols that the port can
process. Dell Networking OS does not
currently support this TLV.
IEEE 802.3 Organizationally Specic TLVs
127 MAC/PHY Conguration/Status Indicates the capability and current setting
of the duplex status and bit rate, and
whether the current settings are the result
of auto-negotiation. This TLV is not available
in the Dell Networking OS implementation of
LLDP, but is available and mandatory (non-
Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) 423