Administrator Guide

secure-cli enable
After entering the command, save the running-configuration. Once you save the running-configuration, the secured CLI mode is enabled.
If you do not want to enter the secured mode, do not save the running-configuration. Once saved, to disable the secured CLI mode, you
need to manually edit the startup-configuration file and reboot the system.
Log Messages in the Internal Buffer
All error messages, except those beginning with %BOOTUP (Message), are log in the internal buffer.
For example, %BOOTUP:RPM0:CP %PORTPIPE-INIT-SUCCESS: Portpipe 0 enabled
Configuration Task List for System Log Management
There are two configuration tasks for system log management:
Disable System Logging
Send System Messages to a Syslog Server
Disabling System Logging
By default, logging is enabled and log messages are sent to the logging buffer, all terminal lines, the console, and the syslog servers.
To disable system logging, use the following commands.
Disable all logging except on the console.
no logging on
Disable logging to the logging buffer.
no logging buffer
Disable logging to terminal lines.
no logging monitor
Disable console logging.
no logging console
Sending System Messages to a Syslog Server
To send system messages to a specified syslog server, use the following command. The following syslog standards are supported: RFC
5424 The SYSLOG Protocol, R.Gerhards and Adiscon GmbH, March 2009, obsoletes RFC 3164 and RFC 5426 Transmission of Syslog
Messages over UDP.
Specify the server to which you want to send system messages. You can configure up to eight syslog servers.
logging {ip-address | ipv6-address | hostname} {{udp {port}} | {tcp {port}}}
You can export system logs to an external server that is connected through a different VRF.
Configuring a UNIX System as a Syslog Server
To configure a UNIX System as a syslog server, use the following command.
Configure a UNIX system as a syslog server by adding the following lines to /etc/syslog.conf on the UNIX system and assigning write
permissions to the file.
Add line on a 4.1 BSD UNIX system. local7.debugging /var/log/ftos.log
Add line on a 5.7 SunOS UNIX system. local7.debugging /var/adm/ftos.log