Reference Guide

Supported Releases 10.2.0E or later
show hash-algorithm
Displays the hash-algorithm information.
show hash-algorithm
Parameters None
Default Not congured
Command Mode EXEC
Usage Information None
OS10# show hash-algorithm
EcmpAlgo - crc LabAlgo - xor
Supported Releases 10.3.0E or later
IPv4 routing
OS10 supports IPv4 addressing including variable-length subnetting mask (VLSM), address resolution protocol (ARP), static routing, and
routing protocols. With VLSM, you can congure one network with dierent masks. You can also use supernetting, which increases the
number of subnets. You can add a mask to the IP address to separate the network and host portions of the IP address to add a subnet.
You need to congure IPv4 routing for IP hosts to communicate with one another in the same network, or in dierent networks.
Assign interface IP address
You can assign primary and secondary IP addresses to a physical or logical interface to enable IP communication between the system and
hosts connected to a specic interface. Assign one primary address and secondary IP addresses to each interface. By default, all ports are
in the default VLAN—VLAN 1.
1 Enter the interface type information to assign an IP address in CONFIGURATION mode.
interface interface
ethernet—Physical interface
port-channel—Port-channel ID number
vlanVLAN ID number
loopback—Loopback interface ID
mgmt—Management interface
2 Enable the interface in INTERFACE mode.
no shutdown
3 Remove the interface from the default VLAN in INTERFACE mode.
no switchport
4 Congure a primary IP address and mask on the interface in INTERFACE mode.
ip address ip-address mask [secondary]
ip-address mask—Enter the IP address in dotted decimal format—A.B.C.D. and mask in slash prex-length format (/24).
secondary—Enter a secondary backup IP address for the interface.
5 Save the conguration.
do commit
Layer 3