Users Guide

Architecture: x86_64
Up Time: 1 day 00:54:13
11. If the saved configuration from Release (or the earlier release to which you are downgrading to) is available, apply
the saved configuration and license files, and reload the switch.
OS10# copy ftp://userid:passwd@hostip/filepath/ config://
OS10# license install scp://user:passwd@hostip/0A900Q2-NOSEnterprise-License.xml
OS10# reload
NOTE: While reloading, if the CLI prompts to save, select no for the save option. Selecting yes overrides the
configuration that was copied earlier.
If the saved configuration file from Release (or the earlier release) that you are downgrading to is not available,
apply the backup text configuration (.txt) taken in Step 3. Ensure that the backup configuration text file does not have any
unsupported commands (commands that are introduced in later releases). If unsupported commands are present in the text
file, the system errors out. You might have to reload the switch, if any of the configurations require a reload.
OS10# copy ftp://userid:passwd@hostip/filepath/backup-running-configuration.txt
OS10# write memory
OS10# reload
Roll back from or later release to 10.5.0.x or earlier release
Use the rollback script that is bundled with your OS10 software image to move to an earlier release. Using the rollback script
retains the earlier configuration and license information. You can use the rollback option only when the previous image is
available in the system as the standby image. Use the show boot detail command to view the version of the standby
NOTE: The rollback script reboots the OS10 switch immediately.
To roll back, from the Linux shell prompt, enter:
OS10# system bash
bash (OS10) $ sudo os10-rollback-to-old-image
After rollback is complete, the system comes up with the previous release. However, the standby image becomes
nonbootable. To boot using the standby image, you have to install the image again using the image install command.
Downgrade to Release or later releases
In this example, the OS10 switch runs the software and the following procedure downgrades the system to Release
If the version that you are downgrading to is present in the system as the standby image, you can rollback to that
release without losing any configuration or license data. Use the show boot detail command to view the standby
image version. See the Rollback from or later release to or later release for more information.
If the image that you are downgrading to is newly installed using the image install command, backup of the original
configuration data will not be available. The system boots with the default configuration. If you have a copy of the
backup configuration file (.xml) obtained from the earlier release that you are downgrading to, you can apply the saved
configuration and license files as described in Step 11 of the following procedure.
Obtain a backup of the configuration data. Ensure that you have a copy of the license files. Reapply the configuration data and
licenses files after you reload to 10.5.1.x.
Getting Started with Dell EMC SmartFabric OS10