Administrator Guide

Version Description Introduced on the S4810.
Usage Information
The Kernel core dump can be large and may take up to 5 to 30 minutes to upload. Dell Networking OS does not
overwrite application core dumps so you should delete them as necessary to conserve space on the ash; if the
ash is out of memory, the coredump is aborted. On the S-Series, if the FTP server is not reachable, the
application coredump is aborted. Dell Networking OS completes the coredump process and wait until the upload is
complete before rebooting the system.
Oine Diagnostic Commands
The oine diagnostics test suite is useful for isolating faults and debugging hardware. While tests are running, Dell Networking OS results
are saved as a text le (TestReport-SU-X.txt) in the ash directory. This show file command is available only on master and standby.
Important Points to Remember
Oine diagnostics can only be run when the unit is oine.
You can only run oine diagnostics on a unit to which you are connected via the console. In other words, you cannot run diagnostics on
a unit to which you are connected to via a stacking link.
The system stores the diagnostic results in the ash directory (TestReport-SU-X.txt). The system displays the following message after
the diagnostic test is over.
05:37:17 : Diagnostic test results are stored on file: flash:/TestReport-SU-1.txt
05:37:22: %S3048-ON:1 %DIAGAGT-6-DA_DIAG_DONE: Diags finished on stack-unit 1
Diagnostics only test connectivity, not the entire data path.
diag stack-unit
Run oine diagnostics on a stack unit.
diag stack-unit number [alllevels | level0 | level1 | level2] verbose [testname
| no-reboot]
Enter the stack-unit id.
alllevels Enter the keyword alllevels to run the complete set of oine diagnostic tests.
level0 Enter the keyword level0 to run Level 0 diagnostics. Level 0 diagnostics check for the
presence of various components and perform essential path verications. In addition, they
verify the identication registers of the components on the board.
level1 Enter the keyword Level1 to run Level 1 diagnostics. Level 1 diagnostics is a smaller set
of diagnostic tests with support for automatic partitioning. They perform status/self test
for all the components on the board and test their registers for appropriate values. In
addition, they perform extensive tests on memory devices (for example, SDRAM, ash,
NVRAM, EEPROM, and CPLD) wherever possible. There are no tests on 10G links. At this
level, stack ports are shut down automatically.
level2 Enter the keyword level2 to run Level 2 diagnostics. Level 2 diagnostics are a full set of
diagnostic tests with no support for automatic partitioning. Level 2 diagnostics are used
Debugging and Diagnostics 485