Concept Guide

route-map map2 permit 20
match source-protocol connected
Route Leaking for Complete Routing Table
ip vrf VRF_1
ip route-import 1:1
ip route-export 2:2
ip vrf VRF_2
ip route-import 2:2
ip route-export 1:1
Route Leaking for Selective Routes
ip vrf VRF_1
ip route-import 1:1 map1
ip route-export 2:2 map2
ip vrf VRF_2
ip route-import 2:2
ip route-export 1:1
route-map map1 permit 10
match ip address ip1
route-map map2 permit 20
match ip address ip2
ip prefix-list ip1
seq 5 permit <----- This is needed for data forwarding
seq 10 permit <---- This is specific to internal operation of DHCP relay
ip prefix-list ip2
seq 5 permit
Non-default VRF conguration for DHCPv6 helper
The ipv6 helper-address command is enhanced to provide support for conguring VRF for DHCPv6 relay helper address. To
forward DHCP packets between DHCP client and server if they are from dierent VRFs, you should congure route leak using route map
between the VRFs. For more information on conguring route leak across VRF, see DHCP Relay when DHCP Server and Client are in
Dierent VRFs.
For DHCP relay source IPv4 or IPv6 conguration to work in non-default VRF, you must enable VPN in DHCP information option.
Specify the helper-address and VRF name (optional) to forward the DHCPv6 relay packets from client and server.
ipv6 helper-address [vrf vrf-name] ipv6-address
Dynamic Host Conguration Protocol (DHCP)