Owners Manual

INSTALLER-DND-SK-1.0 22% |****** | 6050k 0:00:10 ETA
INSTALLER-DND-SK-1.0 31% |********* | 8625k 0:00:08 ETA
INSTALLER-DND-SK-1.0 40% |************ | 10986k 0:00:07 ETA
INSTALLER-DND-SK-1.0 48% |************** | 13062k 0:00:06 ETA
INSTALLER-DND-SK-1.0 56% |***************** | 15268k 0:00:05 ETA
INSTALLER-DND-SK-1.0 66% |******************** | 18026k 0:00:04 ETA
INSTALLER-DND-SK-1.0 75% |*********************** | 20535k 0:00:02 ETA
INSTALLER-DND-SK-1.0 84% |************************** | 22803k 0:00:01 ETA
INSTALLER-DND-SK-1.0 92% |**************************** | 25063k 0:00:00 ETA
INSTALLER-DND-SK-1.0 100% |*******************************| 27115k 0:00:00 ETA
INSTALLER-DND-SK-1.0 100% |*******************************| 27115k 0:00:00 ETA
ONIE: Executing installer: tftp://xxx.xx.x.xxx/INSTALLER-DND-SK-x.x.x.x.bin
Verifying image checksum ... OK.
Preparing image archive from /installer ... Done.
Mounting /dev/sda3...Done.
Copying Images ...Done.
Installing Menu Entry ...Done
All Done
ONIE:/ # umount: can't remount rootfs read-only
The system is going down NOW!
Sent SIGTERM to all processes
Sent SIGKILL tosd 4:0:0:0: [sda] Synchronizing SCSI cache
Restarting system.
machine restart
5 After installing the diagnostic image, a new entry (DELL EMC DIAG) is added to the ONIE boot menu.
6 Select the DELL EMC DIAG option to boot the Diagnostics image.
: When you update ONIE, the DELL EMC DIAG option is removed. To recreate the DELL EMC DIAG option in
the menu, you must install the Dell Diag Entry updater, as shown in the following example.
ONIE:/ #
ONIE:/ # onie-nos-install tftp://xx.xx.xxx.xx/DND-SK-DELL-DIAG-ENTRY-UPDATER
Stopping: discover... done.
Info: Fetching tftp://xx.xx.xxx.xx/DND-SK-DELL-DIAG-ENTRY-UPDATER ...
DND-SK-DELL-DIAG-ENT 100% |*******************************| 15371 0:00:00 ETA
ONIE: Executing installer: tftp://xx.xx.xxx.xx/DND-SK-DELL-DIAG-ENTRY-UPDATER
Verifying image checksum ... OK.
Preparing image archive from /installer ... Done.
Installing Menu Entry ...Done.
ONIE:/ # umount: can't remount rootfs read-only
The system is going down NOW!
Sent SIGTERM to all processes
Sent SIGKILL tosd 4:0:0:0: [sda] Synchronizing SCSI cache
Restarting system.
machine restart
Dell EMC diagnostic test suite
To run the Dell EMC diagnostic test suite, use the following command.
Use the following step after the system boots up.
1 To run the Dell EMC diagnostic test suite, select the DELL EMC DIAG option.
: Use the up and down arrow keys to select which entry is highlighted. Press Enter to select an operating
software-selected OS or enter e to edit the commands before booting. Enter c for a command line. The highlighted
entry (*) executes automatically in the operating system.
10 Dell EMC diagnostics