Setup Guide

verified boot
2 Generate the hash checksum for your startup conguration le.
EXEC Privilege
generate hash {md5 | sha1 | sha256} {flash://filename | startup-config}
3 Verify the hash checksum of the current startup conguration on the local le system.
EXEC Privilege
verified boot hash startup—config hash-value
NOTE: The verified boot hash command is only applicable for the startup conguration le in the local le
After enabling and conguring startup conguration verication, the device veries the hash checksum of the startup conguration during
every reload.
DellEMC# verified boot hash startup—config 619A8C1B7A2BC9692A221E2151B9DA9E
Conguring the root User Password
For added security, you can change the root user password.
If you congure the secure-cli command on the system, the Dell EMC Networking OS resets any previously-congured root access
password without displaying any warning message. With the
secure-cli command enabled on the system, the CONFIGURATION mode
does not display the root access password option.
To change the default root user password, follow these steps:
Change the default root user password.
root-access password [encryption-type] root-password
Enter an encryption type for the root password.
0 directs the system to store the password as clear text.
7 directs the system to store the password with a dynamic salt.
When you congure the root access password, ensure that your password meets the following criteria:
A minimum of eight characters in length
A minimum of one lower case letter (a to z)
A minimum of one upper case letter (A to Z)
A minimum of one numeric character (0 to 9)
A minimum of one special character including a space (" !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~")
DellEMC)# show running-config | g root
root-access password 7 f4dc0cb9787722dd1084d17f417f164cc7f730d4f03d4f0215294cbd899614e3