Concept Guide

Extended Power via MDI TLV
The extended power via MDI TLV enables advanced PoE management between LLDP-MED endpoints and network connectivity devices.
Advertise the extended power via MDI on all ports that are connected to an 802.3af powered, LLDP-MED endpoint device.
Power Type — there are two possible power types: power source entity (PSE) or power device (PD). The Dell EMC Networking
system is a PSE, which corresponds to a value of 0, based on the TIA-1057 specication.
Power Source — there are two possible power sources: primary and backup. The Dell EMC Networking system is a primary power
source, which corresponds to a value of 1, based on the TIA-1057 specication.
Power Priority — there are three possible priorities: Low, High, and Critical. On Dell EMC Networking systems, the default power
priority is High, which corresponds to a value of 2 based on the TIA-1057 specication. You can congure a dierent power priority
through the CLI. Dell EMC Networking also honors the power priority value the powered device sends; however, the CLI conguration
takes precedence.
Power Value — Dell EMC Networking advertises the maximum amount of power that can be supplied on the port. By default the
power is 15.4W, which corresponds to a power value of 130, based on the TIA-1057 specication. You can advertise a dierent power
value using the max-milliwatts option with the power inline auto | static command. Dell EMC Networking also honors
the power value (power requirement) the powered device sends when the port is congured for power inline auto.
Figure 83. Extended Power via MDI TLV
Congure LLDP
Conguring LLDP is a two-step process.
1 Enable LLDP globally.
2 Advertise TLVs out of an interface.
Related Conguration Tasks
Viewing the LLDP Conguration
Viewing Information Advertised by Adjacent LLDP Agents
Conguring LLDPDU Intervals
Conguring Transmit and Receive Mode
Conguring a Time to Live
Debugging LLDP
Important Points to Remember
LLDP is enabled by default.
Dell EMC Networking systems support up to eight neighbors per interface.
Dell EMC Networking systems support a maximum of 8000 total neighbors per system. If the number of interfaces multiplied by eight
exceeds the maximum, the system does not congure more than 8000.
INTERFACE level congurations override all CONFIGURATION level congurations.
Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)