Concept Guide

Hostbased Authentication : disabled.
RSA Authentication : disabled.
Challenge Response Auth : enabled.
Vty Encryption HMAC Remote IP
2 aes128-cbc hmac-md5
4 aes128-cbc hmac-md5
* 5 aes128-cbc hmac-md5
SMS-OTP Mechanism
A short message service one time password (SMS-OTP) is a free RADIUS module to implement two factor authentication. There are
multiple 2FA mechanisms that can be deployed with the RADIUS. Mechanisms such as the Google authenticator do not rely on the
Access-Challenge message and the SMS-OTP module rely on the Access-challenge message. The main objective of this feature is to
handle the Access-Challenge messages and sends the Access-Request message with user’s response.
This module requires NAS for handling the access challenge from the RADIUS server. NAS sends the input OTP in an Access-Request to
the RADIUS server, and the user authentication succeeds or fails depending upon the Access-Accept or Access-Reject response received
at NAS from the RADIUS server.
Conguring the System to Drop Certain ICMP Reply
You can congure the Dell EMC Networking OS to drop ICMP reply messages. When you congure the drop icmp command, the
system drops the ICMP reply messages from the front end and management interfaces. By default, the Dell EMC Networking OS responds
to all the ICMP messages.
Drop the ICMP or ICMPv6 message type.
drop {icmp | icmp6}
You can congure the Dell EMC Networking OS to suppress the following ICMPv4 and ICMP6 message types:
Table 102. Suppressed ICMP message types
ICMPv4 message types
Echo reply (0)
All sub types of destination unreachable (3)
Source quench (4)
Redirect (5)
Router advertisement (9)
Router solicitation (10)
Time exceeded (11)
IP header bad (12)
Timestamp request (13)
918 Security