Connectivity Guide

Interface statistics
Table 75. Interface statistics
YANG Container Minimum sampling interval (milliseconds)
if/interfaces-state/interface/statistics 15000
dell-base-if-cmn/if/interfaces-state/interface 15000
Port-channel (lag) member ports
Table 76. Port-channel (lag) member ports
YANG Container Minimum sampling interval (milliseconds)
dell-base-if-cmn/if/interfaces 0
System statistics
Table 77. System statistics
YANG Container Minimum sampling interval (milliseconds)
system-status/current-status 15000
Congure telemetry
: To set up a streaming telemetry collector, download and use the OS10 telemetry .proto les from the Dell EMC Support
To enable the streaming of telemetry data to destinations in a subscription prole:
1 Enable telemetry on the switch.
2 Congure a destination group.
3 Congure a subscription prole by associating one or more destination groups and pre-congured sensor groups.
After you complete Step 3, the telemetry agent starts streaming data to destination devices.
Conguration notes
The telemetry agent collects data from OS10 applications and switch hardware. When you congure a sampling rate of 0, which is near
real-time, telemetry collects data as soon as an event occurs. If you congure a sampling rate, telemetry performs periodic data
collection. The recommended minimum sampling intervals are described in Congure a sensor group.
OS10 telemetry supports:
Only one congured destination group, and only one destination address in the group.
Only one subscription prole.
Enable telemetry
1 Enter telemetry mode from CONFIGURATION mode.
OS10(config)# telemetry
2 Enable streaming telemetry in TELEMETRY mode.
OS10(conf-telemetry)# enable
Congure a sensor group